Monday, June 7, 2021

Well, it's time for the West family to finish packing for our move to Arkansas. Last Sunday, June 6, was my last Sunday as a pastor. Of course, I will always be God's servant, ready to proclaim His truth to whoever whenever God gives opportunity. These devotionals will continue shortly after our arrival in AR on the 13th. Until then, stay faithful, always abounding in the work of the Lord.


  1. Happy you're going to America, but sad that we're losing ya'll!

  2. Yes, it is bitter sweet. So glad John was able to make it, he made it work! Remember, it's not good bye, but "see ya later!"


Ephesians 1:8-10 We all like it when we are let in on a secret. Mankind is lost and grasping for answers in every direction but from God. “...